2025 Enrolments


Application for Enrolment for 2025 preschool year.

Thank you for considering our amazing, state of the art, purpose built four room, not for profit community-based preschool in 2025. 

To apply for a preschool position in 2025, families/guardians, need to complete and return the Application for Enrolment Form by the June 30th,2024 closing date with all required documentation.

Forms returned after the closing date will be placed on the waiting list as per priority of place as outlined in the Enrolment Policy. Incomplete forms cannot be processed until all information requested is received.

Please be aware this is the ‘’application stage’’ and does not guarantee a position. Positions are determined according to priority of access service funding guidelines for NSW, and NSW Department of Education and Community services funding to our preschool, space within our centre and staffing. Our priority is always given to applications for prior to school groups, according to the Policy. 

All successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email in week 2 of Term 3. Successful applicants will be asked to return an acceptance slip via google docs with a deposit of $100 enrolment fee to secure their place within 14 days of notification.

Applications are accepted according to the Preschool’s Enrolment & Orientation Policy, which is attached to the back of this form.

IMPORTANT: All current 2024 enrolled Victorian resident families and NSW families will need to reapply for preschool this does not continue on. Victorian residents are encouraged to also apply for positions at Victorian preschools as a place is not guaranteed at our Centre as we give priority to NSW residents, as does Victorian Kindergartens give priority to their residents.

All applicants will need to abide by the preschools Code of conduct https://moamapreschool.wpengine.com/policy/.

If families have questions with regards to our Centre, please visit our website www.moamapreschool.com.au

or give us a call as we are more than happy to share our preschool’s philosophy or discuss ages and which group to choose with regards to considering if your child will attend school in NSW or Vic as the cut off for school entry varies. We would also advise it’s important to contact the school you wish you child to attend and discuss their preference of ages of children in the foundation year and preference of what age to attend.

We do aim for every NSW child to attend prior to school group preschool in their year prior to primary school entry. 

What group to enrol in if my child already attends the preschool in 2024?

  • If a child attended three-year-old group preschool in 2024 at our Centre and turned three years of age between Jan 1st -31st July in 2024 then that child is eligible to attend Young four-year-old group preschool in 2025 (turns four year of age between Jan 1st 2025 and 31st July 2025). 
  • For a child in the Three year old group in 2024,  that turned three years of age prior to Jan 1st 2024, they  are eligible and must enrol in prior to school sessions for 2025 as they do not make the cut off age for the Young four year old group. 
  • All children attending Young 4-year-old group preschool in 2024 are eligible to apply for a prior to school group preschool class. 
  • Please Note that three-year-old group preschool or young four-year-old (turn 4 between 1st Jan-31st July in the year of attendance) group preschool is not compulsory to attend or is it compulsory to receive a position in prior to school classes at our Centre above other children
  • If the Director feels a family has chosen the incorrect preschool group according to our specified ages in groups, then   a conversation will be invited. We require families to understand our preschool groups are set up to maximise funding but also in the best interests of quality preschool.
  • Our new Centre also has specified designated areas to our building and playgrounds, room one and two is the Junior classes and rooms thee and four are the Prior to school classes.

Allocation of 2025 groups and sessions/days are decided in week 3 of Term 4. In the application I have asked families if they have a preference of days so that we as preschool can start considering options. This occurs after all places have been accepted and a budget is approved by the Committee of Management. This may occur earlier if the NSW Department of Early Childhood Education releases funding information earlier and/or if groups numbers are at a healthy

The application for enrolment forms will be available from 1st May 2024 on the preschool’s website. There will be a writable pdf to fill in and a section like that on the next page to upload forms.

All forms are due strictly by 30th June 2024.

Please direct enquires to the Nominated Supervisor
Narelle Blachford
Phone: 5482 1224
Email: narelledirector@moamapreschool.com.au

Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Application for Enrolment Forms can be returned in person to the Centre Monday to Friday or via email or via google docs platform strictly by 30th June 2024.

If you would like to make an appointment with the Nominated Supervisor / Director to discuss your child’s additional needs, concerns or any questions please call 54 821 224.
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please tick if the child falls into one of the priorities of access service funding guidelines as defined by the Department of Education and Communities, NSW(Required)

Prior to school/four year old group preschool (15 hours per week) please tick preference
Two full days (2 x 7.5hrs) Likely 8.30am-4pm Mon/Thur or Tues/Wed
Two six hour days and a 3 hr ½ day. Likely 9am-3pm and then 9am-12pm.

Young four year old group preschool. To tick this age group, the child must turn four years of age between 1st Jan 2025-31st July 2025 (15 hours per week) please tick preference
Two full days (2 x 7.5hrs) Likely 8.15am-3.45pm
Two six hour days and a 3 hr ½ day. Likely 8.45am-2.45pm and then 8.45am-11.45am.

Three year group preschool (15 hours per week) please tick preference. Child must turn three years of age before 31st July 2025 and needs to be three years of age to attend.
Two full days (2 x 7.5hrs) Likely 8.15am-3.45pm Mon/Wed
Two six hour days and a 3 hr ½ day. Likely 9am-3pm and then 9am-12pm.

Children must be three years of age to attend preschool this is a regulation. If you child will turn three after the preschool year has began please still tick preferences and comment to inform the preschool. Preschool is sessional this term means that all children start the session at the same time and finish at the same time and groups of children attend on the same allocated days with the same allocated team of educators, different to long day care. Three-year-old group preschool is about children’s social and emotional skills, it is not preparing children for school, this occurs in prior to school classes.

Above where it is stated sessions are likely does mean it not it is determined. These are examples that we know is working in 2024. Sessions for 2025, will depend on preferences indicated by applications at this stage and space within our Centre to allocate these preferences. All families will be notified as per Enrolment Policy.

Other notes including any concerns you may have regarding your child’s development.
Thank you for filling in this application. Please remember this is the Initial application stage and even by returning by 30th June 2024 cut off with all information does not guarantee a position. Please ensure you read the attached enrolment policy and be familiar with this.

Parents/guardians will be notified in Week 2 of Term 3 if successful or not. A more detailed preference of days/sessions is asked at the next stage, but information gathered at this first stage will be used to offer choices.
DD slash MM slash YYYY