How Can You Help Us?
We appreciate all the help you can give and do appreciate that we are all very busy and you may only be able to give small amounts of time.
Morning / Afternoon Duty

Parents (guardians, grandparents’ special friends etc…) are invited to come and have a play.
By coming along you are able to see your child functioning in a group away from home and family. It also gives Educators the opportunity to chat to you about your child’s progress as well as your child feeling special.
When filling out the enrolment forms (November) parents are asked to complete a separate sheet stating preferred days of Helper duty. From this a roster is compiled. The roster is given out prior to each term. Please remember it is most helpful if you arrange a swap if you are unable to perform these duties in the allocated spot.
To help celebrate the preschool children’s birthday educators try to roster families on for helper duty close to their child’s birthday in case they wish to bring a cake along to share.
Please sign in on our OWNA app and be familiar with the emergency evacuation procedures whilst at the Preschool. Just a friendly reminder that parents on duty are not legally allowed to administer any FIRST AID what so ever, this is best left to staff/educators who are trained regularly.

We recognise birthdays are a special time for children. Parents can supply a small cake or cupcakes to share with the class.
Other treats such as lollies and balloons are not necessary. If you wish to distribute invitations for a party please remember some children’s feelings may be hurt if they are given out in front of the whole group. It is best done privately away from the centre or by giving to staff to hand to parents at the end of the session.
Working Bees

Occasionally we seek the help of parents at working bees. The more parents that help the faster all the work is done. These are usually for maintenance and upkeep of safe playing environments and general upkeep such as gardening and weeding, sweeping and small repairs.
Additionally at the end of the year we have a working bee to help clean and pack away all the equipment used during the year, this ensures that the centre can be thoroughly cleaned during the summer holidays/ all the help is greatly appreciated.
HL – Higher Learning Needs Support Program
If your child needs speech therapy or occupational therapy, wears glasses or has been diagnosed with a disability by a professional please be sure to notify your child’s teacher, immediately.
The Centre can apply for additional funding that may mean the purchases of extra resources or even assistants which will benefit all the children. Families will need to sign a form with regards to this so we are able to exchange information with various funding organisations.

Parents are encouraged to recycle items that can be used at the Preschool as these are important resources. Items such as egg cartoon, margarine containers, cartons, lids, wool, buttons, cotton reels, stockings, material, yogurt tubs, cardboard boxes (large or small) can all be used by the children.
For example you may work where there is lots of paper or coloured cardboard off cuts, the list is endless. These eventually come home as dogs, spaceships, boats and even a monster or two.

Please make sure you read all notices on the notice board and newsletters that are sent home. These include important information about what is happening at the Preschool. Educators often may not get the chance to remind all the families of events that are taking place.
Excursions / Incursions

As part of the educational program we occasionally go to places of particular interest to extent the children’s development beyond those offered at the centre. When we go on these excursions, notes are sent home prior that must be signed and returned.
We do need the help of parents to supervise to meet the staff to child ratios as set by Education and Care National Regulations. We would appreciate it if alternative arrangements can be made for toddlers. It is also possible that session times may vary or be altered to accommodate the timing of the excursions. Parents will be notified of any changes in advance

Our Pre-school is part of the Scholastics Book Club that is aimed at Preschool aged children. During the year a number of orders are available. These are not compulsory but do provide a range of quality books and some parenting books at reasonable prices. If you wish to purchase any books please return order forms by the due dates.
Social Activities
Throughout the year the Preschool has many functions that the family and parents can attend
PreSchool Photos

Each year the Preschool has individual and group photos taken in both three year old and four year old groups. However again the purchase of these is NOT compulsory.
Parent Library

The Preschool has an extensive parenting library. Please drop in and have a look at the range. All books are available for loan and include titles such as “Raising Boys,” “Raising Girls”, “What’s Dead Mean?” and “The Hurried Child.”