First Week’s at Preschool

At the beginning of the pre-school year all sessions are shortened as a means for children to settle into preschool life.  This allows educators the opportunity to develop positive relationships with each child and families.

Young Four year group will be shortened and only ½ a group attends at one time for the first two weeks for a period of 1 ¼ hours, there will be group 1 and group 2.  This allows teachers the opportunity to get to form a positive friendship with the children and vice versa.  The shortened session also allows the children enough time to settle in to their new preschool environment and rules and routines that come with this.

Families are given all of the transition information on the Parents Information Night/AGM and will need to record times and dates in their diaries.

The Routines

Children appreciate routine, that is, knowing what will happen next. Each group will have their own routines suited to the needs of individuals within the group. In each room the routines for all groups will be displayed. It should be noted that routines can depend on weather conditions.  Routines do vary according to weather conditions and happenings for that day eg excursions, childrens interests etc,.

An example;

INDOOR TIME: During indoor time the children participate in free play that includes blocks, puzzles, books, painting, craft activities, dramatic play, manipulative equipment and games.

PACK AWAY: All children are expected to help pack away the equipment they have used and then also help the other children pack away.

OUTDOOR TIME: This usually involves climbing, running and stretching and other activities involving gross motor skills. The weekly outdoor program can be found at the entrances of each room.

INDOOR/OUTDOORPLAY: Depending on the needs of the children or the group we do have indoor/outdoor play. This is when there is an educator indoors and an educator outdoors and the children are free to move between each.

GROUP TIME: Group time usually consists of music, stories, discussion, games and language development.

A full day session for a four year old group includes a lunch break.   Children also bring a pillow for a short rest after lunch. In term 4, the 4 year groups no longer have rest time, instead spending time involved in school readiness activities.

Please do not send toys as we will not take any responsibility for any toys that are broken, lost or damaged. And this could become very upsetting for the child concerned.

Your child’s first day SETTLING IN

This is as individual as your child.

A new situation can be a little frightening. He/she may settle into the Pre-school more easily if you stay for a short time and you both become involved in an activity. When the time comes for you to leave, your child may be upset. Don’t worry, call an educator , say goodbye and leave quickly. Most children do not stay upset for too long but will find it harder if you stay longer and especially if they see you are also upset. If you are worried a quick call to the Preschool is always welcomed.

Remember to say goodbye and tell them that you will be back. Do not be tempted to “sneak off” as your child may become even more distress if they realise you are gone…they really do need to hear the word “Bye” or “See you later” to assist in settling. In no time your child(ren) will settle happily into Preschool and begin to enjoy the day, soon there will not be enough time for them.

Your child may have periods of distress, even after attending Preschool for a while, this is natural. Sometimes it may be better to leave your child and return early to spend time at the centre. Please make sure you approach an educator before saying goodbye.

In the instance that an educator is away please introduce yourself and child to the room leader at drop of time. It is also nice to greet any casual educators.